Monday, May 31, 2010

steph's year off day 2

wow I didn't even manage to get around to doing an entry on my second day of try to record all of this. Doesn't bode well for actually getting an entire year in here does it.

Anyways Abe and Kellina came over to visit in the morning, we had sticky buns and fruit salad. Opened up the coffee they brought back from hawaii it's good but sweet. Not at all like the presidents choice crap I mix with hot chocolate each morning. lunch was left over chicken and buns. We did pretty much nothing in the afternoon. Steph napped, heather and I played on the computer, watched tv, destroyed the basement... Dinner was porkchops with mash potatoes and carrots. Really good I might add. After heather went to sleep steph and I watch "the men who stare at goats". It was funny at times but nothing spectacular.

After steph went to bed I was playing with streaming TV feeds online. I got a playlist for VLC of mostly british channels. kinda interesting but most of the crap on them was the same as here. I also discovered redtube live feeds in my searches. It's disturbing and interesting all at once. The couples stuff was the strangest. I can't imagine sitting around with my wife/gf/.. waiting for someone to pay a few bucks so that we can have sex then after it's done clean up and do it again. Really weird.

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