Tuesday, June 1, 2010

steph's year off day 3 Heathers birthday

technically today was the first day steph had off as the last 2 were the weekend. It was also heathers 2nd birthday. We started the day with homemade waffles covered with homemade syrup. Then we opened birthday presents. Aunti jen had got her a china tea set which was partially broken and some glass things with H's on them that are like little square cupholders. I have no idea. Also a gym bag shaped like a dog apparently just like or actually is one that steph used to have.

After that we got ready and headed out to butterfly world for heather. Not many pictures since it was 24C and 80% humidity inside causing instant fogging of the camera that never got better. Not a lot of butterflies, but heather liked the finches and little birds on the ground like quail.
The turtles she was ok with but all of the tortoise scared her a little at first. going outside to the frog pond we saw frogs but since they were well hidden and not moving I'm not sure if heather saw them. We also saw koi in the fish pond and heather was scared by one when it came to the surface and grabbed something to eat. While wandering the garden in the rain steph and I discussed building a pergola over the back patio possibly with planters acting like walls around the outside of it. Something to add some privacy back there.

After butterfly world we headed into the coombs market and bought breads for dinner tonight as well as a mini pizza for heather and some ham and cheese couisants for steph and I for lunch.

After that it was off to toy's R us for some presents for heather since she hadn't gotten any toys yet. We got her a few small plastic trucks like a dump truck and steam roller. as well A new pair of sunglasses and a small magna doodle thing for the car. Also a drip catcher thing that you can put your popsicle or ice cream cone in and it will catch the drips assuming you keep it upright.

Rod and vic came over for dinner and my parents and dave stopped by to drop off presents. Heather got a bubble mower and a green turtle sand box possibly more I wasn't there when they opened them. dinner was spagetti and caesar salad. After words we had icecream log.

rod and vic stayed till 9 and we talked about pretty much anything. They are seriously thinking about buying a new trailer in the next couple of days. we also took a look inside the furnace and figured out how to wire the UV light to turn on when the fan comes on. Rod is going to drop off a 24V 110 relay. I'll need to wire the light into it and the relay into the wall where the pump is hard wired. Also if he can find it he's going to drop off the GPS that plugs into a laptop for me to test with. I'm thinking about getting something like it going for trips into the woods. I'm not sure what I'll use for software and if I'll try the ubuntu laptop or the windows one but something free much be available. I wonder if I can get google earth to cache most of the islands data for when I'm way away from a net connection.